The night ended with a youth pledge where a dozen TMC volunteers of young men and women (most of whom had been at the TMC workshop the week before) stood on the steps of Parliament House and pledged to stand up for the right to life, from the moment of conception to natural death. The pledge also promised to help the elderly, frail, struggling and broken families and those in end-of-life care. The words read by the TMC youth – and led by NCC WA president and TMC youth officer for WA, Warwick D’Silva – were as follows:
“Tonight, we renew our commitment to the defence of life in all its stages. We pledge to love and care for the unborn to be a voice for the voiceless. We pledge to love and support the vulnerable to help mothers, fathers or families who face tough decisions. We pledge to help the elderly and frail to provide hope in a time of failing health. We pledge to ensure proper funding for end-of-life care so that no West Australian should suffer alone. We ask God for courage to confront our state’s shame and to offer life-affirming help in its place. So help us God.”Watch the video of the rally
here (youth pledge starts from 1:08:00).
YPAT 2024In other news, applications are open for
YPAT 2024! Launched in 2009 by the TMC, YPAT is an immersive retreat exploring politics and society. With over 250 alumni, we invite 18-30 year olds to apply for the upcoming winter intensive, which will be held from
June 25 to July 1 in Sydney. Spend a week making friends and learning how to work and live for the common good.
Please consider
sponsoring a young person to attend YPAT this year.
As always, thank you for your support!
The Thomas More Centre team